Learning Resources

American Academy of Pediatrics
Screening and Randomization
Follow-up Visits
Medication and Drug Dispensing
CHAP Inpatient Drug Dispensing
General Questions

American Academy of Pediatrics

Screening and Randomization

Follow-up Visits (HP03)


Medication/Drug Dispensing

CHAP Inpatient Drug Dispensing

  • Sites are encouraged to conserve study medication when possible, while complying with local hospital and pharmacy policy. The following general guidance is provided:
    Use patient’s prescribed bottle if available and if hospital policy permits.
    If a patient’s prescribed bottle is not available or if hospital policy does not permit its use for whatever reason, there are two options:

    1. The site may pull a bottle of CHAP study drug from inventory for dispensing during the inpatient stay. This bottle should be identified within the pharmacy and set aside for general, CHAP inpatient use and the study drug dispensed across CHAP patients as needed. Use of the bottle should be documented via the eDES Study Drug Inventory Management page, changing the status of the bottle from “1=Ready to dispense” to “6=Inpatient Use”.
    2. The site may use internal pharmacy supply but it is not covered by the study.

General Questions


For any other questions, please contact us at chap@uabmc.edu